English Portfolio 3r ESO

1. I AM ....

Hello teacher,
My name's Queralt, I'm 14 years old. My favorite hobby and more important than the others is reading. I love the books and the library. The library, for me is essential.
My others hobbys are running, playing the harp, dancing, writing, listening the "bacup" (a programme of the radio), watching many films and (naturally) going to library.
This summer I went to classes of english, and I'm very happy because I think that learnt new things that before I didn't now.
My level with English is simple, but I hard work for improve.



When you arrive in a country for learn a other language, and a family host you, there is a presentacion with the family. This is an exaple that can happen.

Queralt: Hello Alice, I'd like you to meet mu husband.
Araceli: Nice to meet you, Mr Smith.
Andrea: Nice to meet you too, Alice. Please call me Jonh.
Queralt: And this is our dog, Pitufo.
Andrea: Now we are going to intrduce the house.
Araceli: Okey, thanks.
Queralt: This is the lounge and on the right is the dinning room.
Andrea: You're beedrom is next to the toilet and our beedrom is beetwen the kitchen and the toilet.
Queralt: The dinning room is at the end of the hall.
Araceli: Oh, it's a beautiful house. And can you tell me the rules, please?
Queralt: Yes, the rules are: we breakfast at seven o'clock.
Andrea: The lunch is at twelve o'clock.
Queralt: And the dinner is at half past six.
Andrea: You can't smoke into the house and you can't listen the music very hard.
Araceli: Okey, thanks. Can I call my mother to say that I'm ok, plis?
Queralt: Yes, of course. And after I've you want you can go to visit the city.
Araceli: A lot of thanks. You're a very nice family.


In the english class, we do diferents videos with the diferents experiences 
that a person could have. In this video I show an scene of a girl that is new in the laboral world.


Dependent - - The new Clerk
Mireia: Mary, I don’t remember where the body care aisle is .
Queralt: Yes, it is at the back on left.
Mireia: Thanks, I will remember that. One more question.
Queralt: Tell me.
Mireia: Is it here where are the carrots?
Queralt: Yes, here it is. And when you finish with the products, you should go to check-out counter.
Mireia: OK, no problem.  

Client - - The new Clerk
Queralt: Hello.
Mireia: Hello, How are you?
Queralt: I’m well, thanks.
Mireia: Have you got more products?
Queralt: No, this is all.
Mireia: OK, and the costumer card?
Queralt: No, I don’t have it.
Mireia: Ok. That’ll be 30 pounds.
Queralt: Here you are
Mireia: Here’s your  change.
Queralt: Thanks.
Mireia: Good weekend.


Sometimes the people, when listen a song, his world disappears and his thoughts become to with. The song that transforms my mind is the next: "aprendré a estimar-me" 

"Aprendré a estimar-me" is a song of La porta dels Somnis, a catalan music group. I like this song a lot becouse is about a feeling that you have when you lose someone that you love.


Sometimes when someone is lose asks people to know where is it and where is 
his destination. The next video Mireia and I show you a possible dialogue 
when someone is lost. 


Mireia : Hello, good morning.
Queralt : Hello, can I help you?
Mireia : Yes please. I’m lose and I can’t find the hospital “la mútua”
Queralt : OK, no problem. From here you should do along this street and when you arrive at the bus stop you turn right.
Mireia : Turn right when I arrive in bus stop?
Queralt : Yes and then cross the bridge. The hospital is there, on your right.
Mireia : Are you sure that the hospital is past the bridge?
Queralt : Yes, you can’t miss it.
Mireia : Thank you very much.
Queralt : No problem.
Mireia : OK, good bye.


In IES Torre del Palau, my high school, this course we have a project for the Town Hall. We must do differents recordings to differents sculptures of our city, Terrassa. I enjoied doing this project,  because we were looking for information and we learnt more cultural history of the city.

This project has been done by Araceli Segura, Andrea Sànchez and for me. And everybody think that this is a good experience.


The world is full of beautifful cities, and the next Glog shows my favourite towns, that I been, I don't been and I will been. And you, Where will you travel?


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